Mónica Romãozinho
Jewellery Design
Researcher at Labcom in the present and CIAUD (2008-2022). ORCID: 0000-0003-0616-5845. Ciencia Vitae: BD13-059F-C4D5. Professor at University of Beira Interior since 2020 and School of Applied Arts of the Polytechnic Institute of Castelo Branco between 2003-2020. With a post-doctoral in Design untitled “Possible but Improbable Spaces: Creation of a Jewellery collection” (2021, FAUL). PhD and Master in Design, 2013 and 2007 respectively at Faculty of Architecture, Technical University of Lisbon. Architecture degree (1999, FA-UTL). Member of PIN- Association of Contemporary Jewellery. Next exhibitons: Jewellery Room at SNBA, Lisbon, Portugal, - 1st Lisbon Contemporary Jewellery Biennial, 17-19 September 2021; Collective Exhibition "JewelryDrops"Milano Jewelry Week, October 2022. Last exhibitions: IXXI Bienal Internacional de Arte de Cerveira, 1 August- 31 December 2020; Collective Exhibition “Anti Vírus” at Tincal Lab, Oporto, Portugal, 1 June- 31 December 2020; Individual Exhibition “Possible but Improbable Spaces: From space to the materialized jewel” at Fábrica da Criatividade, Castelo Branco, Portugal, 19-28 July 2019, Collective Exhibition at Sogn og Fjordane, Norway, 24 August 2017; Individual Exhibition of the jewellery collection “As Flores de Josefa”, Museu Municipal de Óbidos, Portugal, 18 May -30 July 2017. With international articles published in the scope of History of Design, Interior Design, and Contemporary Jewellery.